If you are a regular follower here, or know me personally, you may know that I take a trip to San Diego every year in January. Except this year in 2025 🙁 Just not enough time and the extreme cold and school closings… Work is all VERY busy on the Boudoir side of my business, Exactly You Boudoir (did you see our new website?!), so I am here. But no worries, I am going to New Orleans in February for the first time and so very excited to see (and photograph) a different place:)
But for now, while it’s -10 outside, I opened the photos from last year’s trip and day dreamed about getting sun on my face by the ocean. Oh how nice that would be! You can see some older post of San Diego HERE. So I won’t be writing here a lot, but I should probably do a longer post about all the different parts of San Diego that I love!
But here, if you also wanna feel some warmth, hope the photos below help from a 3 days trip last year. Hope you like:)
I always start my trip here visiting my favorite coffee show, boutiques and book shop. And every time I go, I take so many different graffiti photos:)
I feel like Seaport Village is pretty touristic, so I usually make a long run around the harbor area but this time I went for a morning walk and had my camera with me. One day when I visit with kids, I think they will love this area!
This is almost a must-do for me, to see the cute houses of Coronado Island and put my feet in the water by the Hotel. This time I parked my car on one the streets and walked around before heading to the beach for a run. Adorable! I have SO much more- my Architecture background takes me back to buildings sometimes but can you blame me?!
On my last day, my friends took me for a drive around 101 Highway all the way to Carlsbad, white stoping at Del Mar, Encinitas…. I have a lot more phone photos of this last day as I was just enjoying my time with my friends, but I still managed to take some photos with my camera:)
It’s always a wonderful to visit my friends yearly there, especially in the middle of Ohio winter and recharge- and I think my smiles on the photos below show:) San Diego was the 1st of MANY trips I did last year, so be on the lookout for Death Valley and Maine- Acadia National Park coming up next! 🙂