Indoor Engagement Session in Columbus,OH

As a photographer, we get “what if it rains?” question a lot. I am always open to reschedule your session in case of bad weather but I also want you to know that there are so many indoor photo session locations in Columbus! I’ve had covered indoor places to have a photoshoot in Columbus HERE a couple years ago but with this indooor engagement session in Columbus, I wanted to show you how it’s done! 🙂

Tasha&Max’s Engagament Session

This newly engaged couple is having a long distance relationship. Which means they see each other a few times a year and we had to schedule the session around that time. At the beginning of May, Tasha was gratuating from Ohio State University and Max was flying to see her. They had a very limited and busy weekend planned. We saw the rainy forecast but unfortunatelly rescheduling the session to an another day, even to an another time of the day was not an option. So we talked about and have an indoor engagement session locations in Columbus!

We met at Fox in the Snow cafe in German Village. After finishing their coffee, we stopped by Stump in German Village, which is next door. I had tried to have a photohoot in The Stump before, because hello gorgeous plants!, but it was very crowded. I was so suprised to see there was noone shopping for plants this time so we, with a permission, used this gorgeous nursery in Columbus for a few minutes:) Then we head to Columbus Main Library to complete tehir engagement session. This time we were not so lucky tho! With proms that evening and it being a wedding day (it was a Saturday afternoon), The main library in downtown was very crowded! Cudos to all the photographers who shared the space and made their clients happy that day. And Tasha&Max, cudos to you too for not loosing your cheer because of the rain, for making the shoot so fun ; I had a blast touring all these indoor locations with you:)

I hope you enjoy this session below. And please always remember, cold, hot, rain, snow… I am ready to capture memories for you, anytime & anywhere:)


Nursah Wood