Senior Photography Locations in Columbus, Ohio

Now buckle up, I have a long, but also an informative blog post for you: Senior Photography Locations in Columbus.

First, I have to apologize from almost all the seniors I worked with for their senior photo session in Columbus. I received 4 Senior Photo session inquiry in the last 2 days and I realized how behind I am to share these brilliant faces on my website or social media… thanks to my busy wedding and family session schedule. But the truth is, I absolutely Love shooting high school senior portrait sessions! I love learning about them, their hobbies, interest and goals… As a mom of 2, almost every time it brings tears to my eyes while I am editing, envisioning my kids in this exciting time of their life!

So today, I wanted to share my latest senior photography sessions in Columbus and give some Senior Photography location ideas for those who are planning for it.

Let’s start with my favorite location: German Village!

With so many cute houses and streets, German village in Columbus offers very different backgrounds that can be used in every season for every gender! Plus, with just a quick car ride, we can drive to Schiller Park or  Scioto Auduborn Park  to add a different vibe with a park to your photos.

Senior Photography Locations in Columbus

Very possibly the 2nd favorite location for Senior Photograhy Sessions: Franklinton

For those looking for different background with a rustic and industrial twist, look no further, Franklinton Arts District is your spot. I’ve actually blogged a post about my session I’ve done in Franklinton (see HERE), but I especially love it for high school senior photos!

Senior Photography Locations in Columbus

Let’s talk about seasonal Senior Photography Locations in Columbus:

1-Park of Roses in Clintonville: If you want your photos done in Summer, this is almost what I recommend first. Roses and flowers give such an amazing summer vibe to your photos and works perfectly especially for girls.

Senior Photography Locations in Columbus

2- Inniswood Metro Gardens: Again, for summer, but also for spring, Innoswood is one of my locations for photo sessions in Columbus, Ohio. With very different background options, and restrooms in the back&front, it’s so fun to stroll around the park and take senior photos:)

3-Highbanks Metro Park: This huge park provides so many photo session locations every season but the colors in Fall are especially amazing! So if we are taking your photos in Fall and you want nature, this is where I would suggest:)       

And The Scioto Mile! IMO, since there are not many trees in the Scioto Mile area of Columbus, every season will work for this area. If you are looking for a park with great Columbus skyline view, like Kunter did-who is going to Business school- this will be one of my 1st suggestion!

What if the weather is bad? Don’t worry, I have a photography studio in Delaware for you.

For those who missed it, I actually blogged my studio sessions in HERE and you will see Ainsley’s photos there too. We first met with her in my studio and then explored downtown Delaware. For Cale’s photos below, we just used Blue limestone park in Delaware, which I love for simple sessions!

Senior Photography Locations in ColumbusI also wanted to share Ricky’s senior photo session done in Delaware, in my photography studio, which we did on a very cold winter day in February. If you are looking just for a simple session, we can make that happen for sure!

And lastly: Custom locations for your Senior Photography Session!

Max’s mom reached out and mentioned that Max is a golf player. So we of course had to incorporate that into his session. I loved the idea of going where he was most comfortable. We chatted along the way about golf while he drove me&his mom around the course on a nice evening. So don;t hesitate to reach out. We can definitely add their sports into their session!

I also have some ideas that I didn’t get a change to try yet. This was one of them. Not a senior session but Sam hired me for her bday photos and we met at a parking garage. A beach, a skateboard park, a library are some of my other idea. So again, please don’t hesitate to reach out and we can plan a fun session for them to capture the memories and this exciting time of their life:)

ps: Blog is having resolution issues so if you want to see an original gllery for the quality of tho photos, please reach out.

Thank you!


Nursah Wood